Thursday, January 15, 2009


So as i said i have to wait three weeks before i find out if i am eligible for this trial, and let me tell ya, waiting to find out if you can do something that possibly might save your life is preeetttyy nerve-wrecking. its stressin me out to the max! i dont know what else i can do if not this! so im kinda freakin out. but, im still just livin my life. the only side effect i have from this is an awful cough and i guess kind of shortness of breath. well the cough's annoying but other than that im good (: well ive just been streesed this week since ive been rather busy with dentist, doctor, snowboarding, cheerleading, and homework. this weeks the end of term so i had to get my grades up! since our school spirit week is coming up we've been working on cheer a lot too. everyone is gettin stressed out over it! usually i let my stress breeeeze on by. (brush it off) but this is a lot...but its all good im doin my best lol well please leave comments so i know you guys are reading and message me on myspace or whatever! thanks for your concern (:



  1. I hope they approve it to. Cuz anything is posible no matter how many people say that something is not... I have been through a couple of those moments myself. As long as you say something is posible it will be posible. You will get beter. I am sure of it. Keep holding on and let me know as soon as you know if you get a approved. Love Malina

  2. Ok so I am just letting you know I read your blog and sent the link to a few people like you said. I know you are going through a lot but you are living your life hecka good (to paraphrase Reed). Keep on keepin on girl. Love you!

  3. Hey Caitlyn,
    Hope you come back to San Fran soon, so we can go to marine world. I need someone one to go on the roller coasters with me. I will be in Utah next week,so maybe I will see you and your mom. Keep your chin up and let me know if I can do anything for you or your family.
